Whenever you go to get ashes, and then go out into public, you'll get at least one person who will say to you "Uh, you got a little something up here", as they point to their forehead. This is due to the fact that the "cross" on the forehead usually looks like a smudge, like maybe you were working on your car engine and laid your head on the radiator for a rest.
Now, I know our Priests (or their duly appointed assistants) can't be expected to be Artistes, but I propose that those of us with artistic tendencies offer our services; we can apply ashes with flair while the Priest recites the "Remember, man...".
All this for just, say, $1 a head. Say, if I could hit a few of the larger Ash Wednesday Masses, a Professional Ash Wednesday Ash Application Technician such as myself could pull in some serious coinage. Plus, since it's Ash Wednesday, I wouldn't have to take a lunch break, giving me more time to dash about town to the next mass.
I think I'll write to my Bishop...
Or as I prefer to call it National Sinners awareness day :)
Come on, Joe, now you know we CAN'T refer to it as "sin". It's "error" nowadays, pal...
Your idea sounds good to me, but you failed to mention what charity you'd donate the money to.
I have to laugh. I was in my mid 20s before I finally realized the priest was putting a CROSS on my forehead, because (a) it never looked like a cross, and (b) it never felt like a cross (I thought the priest was just twisting his thumb on my forehead). It wasn't until I had a priest put on my forehead a huge cross that could be seen from outer space that the penny finally dropped.
That's funny, Anita.
Wait - Robert, you mean I have to donate the money to charity? Does the Nichols Mortgage Relief Fund count? hehehe
Does the Nichols Mortgage Relief Fund count?
Wait, I thought Barack Obama was going to pay your mortgage!
That is hilarious : )
Wait, I thought Barack Obama was going to pay your mortgage!
Oh yeah, that's right. Yay! No more I work and pay my stinkin' bills!
Actually, I don't think I "qualify"...
I'm wondering where Roger Williamson's new more better (yet still inadequate) apology was posted. Is there an 'official' SSPX blog or site with the latest?
-robo man
Brilliant Paul, but only $1 a head?! Brian
It's "error" nowadays, pal...
Boy are you stuck in the dark ages. Don't you say error, that's so negative, its really more like "choice" or "life decision!"
You got me, Athanasius. For penance, I'll go recycle something....
"In Mexico City the Faithful are so enthusiastic (and numerous) that the inventive Franciscans had to develop a new way of distributing ashes to shorten the service. They mix the ash with a measure of holy oil to make it more paste-like and less dusty. Then they have 6-8 people stand side-by-side while they stamp their foreheads with a special tool. This stamp is not available from any church goods supplier and it is rumored that each Friar must build his own as a rite of passage, like a Jedi builds his lightsaber. An experienced priest can stamp up to 10 heads while saying the words from Genesis, “Recuerda, hombre, que eres ceniza y en ceniza te convertirás”."
Truth.. stranger than fiction.
Happy Pancake Day/Shrove Tuesday soon! =D
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