Slowly but surely the "Spirit of Vatican II" is plodding toward a slow death. Oh, it's not going quietly; it still has a legion of "followers", but the outcome is inevitable. The Pope is doing his part, but so are the enlistees in the Church Militant. Tom Roeser has a good post, mostly concerning one of those Militants, Michael Voris of Real Catholic TV:
Thanks be to God!!! The John Paul II generation is comin oon full force,..heterodoxy will go the way of the dinosaur!
Right on, Marco. One day we'll all talk about the bad old days when everyone lost their mind for about 60 years or so. I say "or so" because it will probably take at least 20 more years for the real restoration to take root at the parish level.
Do you see the Ordinary Form being totally abrogated in favor of the Extraordinary Form, or do you think its more likely that the OF will become more reverent in the coming years with new translations, the removal of the Sign of Peace, and a less liberal use of EMHC's, Lectors, and Altar Girls?
That's a good question, Nowhere. I don't see the liberals giving up their clown masses. In some cases, I think you'd actually have a parish or two split off and do their own thing. Imagine for a moment, that Rome reverses themselves and we go back to having Altar BOYS. Do you think the heterodox parishes will abide? I don't. They're fighting the Pope on everything he's doing. A dying entity struggles all the more harder as it slides into oblivion.
I don't think the Ordinary Form will be abrogated - at least until all of us now living are dead.
TOO slow! INHO!
Do you think there still is a possibility for the cardinals who are followers of that damned spirit to elect a next pope amongst their own or you think the reversal to tradition is irreversible?
What's written on the ghost's book cover? What does it mean?
I enjoyed many of your cartoons. Keep up the good work!
a reader from Italy
"new translations, the removal of the Sign of Peace, and a less liberal use of EMHC's, Lectors, and Altar Girls?"
These are all in effect at my parish, excepting the new translation, which inaugurates in November 2011. The parish is already preparing for the new translation, having heard commentary from the pulpit as well as a Sunday afternoon lecture. We'll be ready by 11/11.
Good eyes, Anonymous. The Spirit is carrying the "Gather" hymnal.
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