The above cartoon was inspired by, and originated from, the mind of the Curt Jester; it's such a good idea that I'm surprised that one of us Catholic cartoonists hadn't thought of this one before.
Great idea Jeff!
Ha! Good one!
Ha! Ha! Very good one!
Awesome! Can I post this on my Facebook (I promise I will give credit and an accompanying link.)
Absolutely, Diane - post on!
While I am personally opposed to people passing judgment, I won't interfere with your choice to do just that...
Thanks for your response anon. Pardon me if the following sounds like a nerd explaining why the Millennium Falcon is the fastest ship in the galaxy. I take it from your response that you think the cartoon judgemental. Although this is a common reaction, it is erroneous for several reasons. First, it is not directed at anyone specifically. Rather, it is targeted at the invalid argument that goes "I am personally opposed, but..." Cardinal Arinze made a great comment that this is no different than testifying to Congress and saying, "You congress men, I am personally opposed to shooting the lot of you, but if someone else wants to do it, it's pro-choice." To wit: Being personally opposed to abortion is no more meaningful than being personally opposed to ketchup on a hot dog.
Second, judgement always implies something final and settled, but since this is not directed at anyone specifically, this is a much-needed warning rather than a judgement. Being personally opposed to abortion but helping to faciliate it is at least material cooperation with evil and a strong case can be made that it is formal cooperation. That is, actions speak louder than words and one can't simply advance evil, utter some exculpatory words and *poof!* everything is magically acceptable. Formal cooperation with abortion is gravely evil, doing a grave evil with full knowledge and wilfulness will destroy sanctifying grace, dying without sanctifying grace means eternal damnation. That's not a judgement, that's the truth and the cartoon's purpose is not to say x person is in Hell, but that readers have time to repent. God bless you.
While I am personally opposed to people passing judgment, I won't interfere with your choice to do just that...
Well, Anonymous, aren't you passing judgement on me passing judgement?
To grasp the shallowness of the "I'm personally opposed, but" argument, insert any other activity that is frowned upon, and imagine a politician stating:
"I'm personally opposed to molestation, but I won't sign legislation and punishes those who choose to do so."
"While I'm personally against murder, I don't think we should prosecute drug dealers who murder other drug dealers."
or lastly
"I'm against wife-beaters, but I won't judge those who think they have a right to beat their wives."
In any of these cases, the politician would be laughed out of office (in most counties).
A politician makes a judgement on the merits of legislation or public policy when he or she votes in favor of or against something.
But in today's culture, anything that endangers the sexual revolution is off-limits.
One's silence in the face of evil implies assent.
"sign legislation and punishes"
That should be "that punishes"
Well done for your excellent cartoon. It reminded me of how Padre Pio warned people that they would believe in hell when they got there. Here is a link to my post.
I hope you get a lot more readers from my part of the world London. There are over five hundred abortions in England and Wales every day. More people need to see your inspiring cartoons!
Thanks Mary - the CCB should be seen in every diocese in the world! I can hear it now - "The second collection this week is for the Catholic Cartoon Blog".
Excellent cartoon!! Great work! :)
My comment was not directed toward the topic of abortion and I understand the cartoon fully. My issue is with the implication of man speak on behalf of God and his judgments. A alternative would be in the second frame have someone being robbed and the caption is a bystander saying "While I am personally opposed to him killing you, I will not interfere if he chooses to do so ..."
Although, this wouldn't really fit with the religious theme.
I like the intent of the cartoon. I just did not like the delivery.
By the way, I am opposed to abortion and will let God judge all of his creations as he sees fit.
Thanks for the discussion,
Jeff (wanted quick comment without logging in with an account)
>While I am personally opposed to people passing judgment...
you go ahead and already do so.
One has to love the "nonjudgmental" objectors. Judging is wrong except when they do it.
Left: "You're being judgemental"
Right: "But aren't you judging my judgement?"
Left: "Yes, but some judgements are okay."
Right: "Well, what judgements are not okay?"
Left: "Yours"
This is so great, it could run for ever.
I like it.
Is this on a t-shirt yet?
Is this on a t-shirt yet?
There you go - the CCB T-Shirt collection! I like it!
No offense to the Curt Jester, but I suggested this idea to you a couple years ago. I'd have to search through the comboxes to find it, though.
Actually, mine was based upon incrementalism:
"I'd like to outlaw abortion, but it wouldn't be prudent at this time."
"I'd like to let you into Heaven, but it wouldnt' be prudent at this time."
Hey John, you find it and I'll post the details and give you some props...
Theologically Sound Paul!!,Theologically Sound!!!
I translated this one into italian. Is that a problem?
Translate at will, Anonymous
nice one. well life is a matter of choice if they want it that way then theirs nothing we can do about it. =)
Let's start calling things by their name, people. It is not "abortion;" it is "MURDER" Who is pro-murder now?
I loved it! im using it for my english class :) but i want to know who was that politic?
The politician could be any number of them out there, but mostly with the (D) after their names...
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