How we're expected to believe such nonsense just confounds me. Jesus Himself said that whoever rejects Him, also rejects the Father. Go here for more : http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Rhodes/3543/worship.htm
Cartoons based on happenings in the Catholic Church, or in the world at large from a Catholic viewpoint.
He also said, "By their fruits shall you know them." I can't recall Him stating any exceptions.
Amen to that, Anita. I don't get how we've become so politically correct that our own Church can't state the obvious - that the Muslims DON'T worship God. They don't worship the God of Abraham - because that same God is God the Father and Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. Cross out any one of those three, and you're not worshipping God anymore.
I don't know how you can make such a statement as "muslims don't worship God." I think you meant that they don't don't worship the same God as we do. Semantics, perhaps, but this is how people's well-intentions quotes get skewed in the media.
Unrelated - you should check out Peter Kreeft's views on the 'primitive communications network' of Islam, you might have a slightly different slant once you're done reading.
Completely unrelated, your cartoons are reminiscient of www.sacredsandwich.com , they make me laugh. Thanks.
Thanks Mack, I'll check it out. Of course, you're correct, they (Muslims) worship that whom they *think* is God, but God doesn't hear them, I think.
I'll check out Kreeft and the Sacred Sandwich. Sounds promising.
One thing is clear, to us christians only those who believe in the Holy Trinity really worship God. If one does not worship the Holy Trinity is not worshiping God, and this covers from the Jews to the Muslims.
Hmm... They worship a god who is not the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. But we worship none other than the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Never the same.. Not even close..
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