The Catholic Campaign for Human Development will be rearing it's ugly head again soon in a parish near you. Don't be fooled by the public relations spin being staged by the USCCB.
Read the full report from the American Life League regarding CCHD. Click on over to http://www.reformcchdnow.com/ to see the whole sordid mess.
Shouldn't we be seeking first the Kingdom of God, from which follows peace and justice? The post-Vatican II church, with its bishops' conferences, is certainly turning into what Romano Amerio called a "secondary religion," viz., anthropocentric instead of Christocentric, "a social justice project" instead of the divinely founded institution to transmit the faith undefiled to all peoples throughout all times.
"The world has heard enough of the so-called 'rights of man.' Let it hear something of the rights of God." —Pope Leo XIII, Tametsi Futura Prospicientibus
I'd agree with you there, Alan - the Church here in America does seem more concerned with temporal concerns - to the detriment of Heavenly concerns.
Personally, I think every diocese should be responsible for the projects linked to Catholic social teaching and the CCHD should be discontinued. Then every bishop would have to answer to the laity and to the Pope as to why he is giving money to support abortion, illegal immigration, etc. It's not that I wouldn't consider giving money to a project in another diocese, but I'm at the point where I think the Catholic Church shouldn't take government money for anything and shouldn't give donations to secular ventures. Enough of advancing the abortion and homosexual agendas. Enough of contributing to the weakening of our country's security.
Thank you for this cartoon!
You will be pleased to know that the Diocese of Harrisburg is replacing the CCHD collection with a "Matthew 25" collection with 75% to be doled out by the diocese to food banks, shelters, et cetera, and 25% going back to the parishes for them to use or pass on for similar programs.
You're right David - thank the Lord we're in the Harrisburg Diocese! It would appear that Bishop McFadden is continuing the turnaround initiated by Bishop Rhoades (now at South Bend).
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