Monday, July 14, 2008

Obama is the Messiah?

Some people out there actually think he is. Which I'm sure would make Jim Jones green with envy, if he wasn't so charred from that whole eternal burning thing.


Anonymous said...

Just found your site and wanted to say thanks for not only making me laugh, but for making some sorely needed points.


James H said...

Hah this is great

Anonymous said...

"Some people out there actually think he is."

Name one of them.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and comparing Obama to Jim Jones...real Christian of you. Anyway, didn't you get the RWLM (Right-Wing Lunatic Memo) from people like Ann Coulter and Alan Caruba that Obama is actually comparable to Hitler (rolls eyes).

Unknown said...

I won't be voting for Obama (though Bush has been an all-around disaster and McCain won't help any of it). Obviously, the abortion issue trumps everything. But it honestly seems, from this and others of your cartoons, that you are using the Catholic Faith to advance your political agenda, rather than the other way around. Don't forget: C.S. Lewis teaches us that the easiest way for the devil to capture a soul is to turn Christianity into merely a means to an end.

Anonymous said...

"Hah this is great..."

If you're a jerk who believes that it is appropriate to compare Barack Obama to Jim Jones. Paul Nichols, joining the ranks of Ann Coulter, Ben Stein, and Alan Caruba, is "suffering" from AODS (Anti-Obama Derangement Syndrome).

Paul Nichols said...

Cry me a river, Anonymous.

Mickey, let me know what my political agenda is. I don't have one, other than hoping Obama doesn't get elected. But that doesn't make me a great fan of McCain, since I never have been.

He's just the lesser of two stinkers, if you ask me.

I'd take a good Catholic guy any day. Is there one in the political arena? I honestly don't know of one.

Anonymous said...

"Cry me a river, anonymous."

Whatever. Again, can you name me one person who has said that they believe Obama is the Messiah?

"Mickey, let me know what my political agenda is. I don't have one, other than hoping Obama doesn't get elected."

What about your cartoon where you basically compared Nancy Pelosi to the devil (the one where Pope Benedict is shaking Pelosi's hand)? Comparing Obama to Jim Jones and Pelosi to political agenda to see here, folks, move along.

Anonymous said...

Louis Farrakhan has been video taped announcing Obama is the Messiah.

ohitsmike said...

it is not ok to compare the sitting president of the united states to a monster, a serial killer. i want you to understand that you degrade your and my faith when this happens. jim jones was a monster with no faith who pretended to have faith to steal money from people, and to murder them. you have every right as an america to makes jokes, and i respect that, but i don't know any christian who would find this either funny or acceptable. it's sick, sick to the families who suffered that tragedy and those of us who would hope to learn from it.
show this cartoon to your mother and grandmother.

this is sick and disgusting, shame on you.

Paul Nichols said...

MikeV, maybe you've just missed the glowing media coverage since, say, Summer of '08, which has bascially treated Obama as if he WAS the Second Coming.

The parallel is the cult-like following that he enjoys, aided and abetted by those who think it's "un-Christian" to point out the obvious. Obama plays the Christian card when it suits him. Some of us, who really and truly believe in Christ, play along with him. I won't be one of them.

Shame indeed.

ohitsmike said...

no, i remember the election. you can't really excuse that type of comparison, which wouldn't have been acceptable in oct. 2008, and isn't now. luckily your obscurity means no one cares except the very angry citizen who thinks you're stupid, and wrong

Paul Nichols said...

Yes, keep on drinking that Kool-Aid, Mike...

Paul Nichols said...

I've been called worse by better, Mike. :oP