I can see it now - they could sell t-shirts to the Cardinal Arinze "Attitude Adjustment" Tour 2007 - coming soon to a dissenting Chancery near you!
Cartoons based on happenings in the Catholic Church, or in the world at large from a Catholic viewpoint.
(And frankly, I wish he WOULD come over here!)
Another salvo from the sewer launched by a brave soul who demonstrates the courage of his conviction by remaining anonymous.
I suppose "anon" is in support of liturgical group hugs and circle jerks all in the spirit of VatII and ecumenism.
Cardinal Arinze is not an idiot...anyone who's spoken with him can attest to that.
Are we sure that Anonymous isn't someone from Bishop Brown's office, or maybe from the Arch of L.A.? They'd certainly HATE to see the good Cardinal show up in "Temple Cleansing" mode... hehe
Are we sure that Anonymous isn't someone from Bishop Brown's office, or maybe from the Arch of L.A.? They'd certainly HATE to see the good Cardinal show up in "Temple Cleansing" mode... hehe
Well, Anonymous need have no fear of that for the present, because I have already called dibs on Cardinal Arinze on behalf of my diocese.
Anonymous started by calling the Cardinal a "venal black idiot." Leave it to a liberal to play the race card.
Hey Paul, did you know your famous? :-)
Scroll down & you'll see this cartooned featured in the article
Hey, Kat, I saw that just today - ain't that the coolest thing?
Cardinal Arinze is definately one of my favorites.
Hope you don't mind if I borrow this for my blog, link back I promise!
you'll probably get more crazy anons though. Fr. Z is a fan & put this pic on the COL forum. Unfortunately for a Catholic forum there are quite a few heretical liberals. That is why I only post on that forum sporadically.
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