New Archbishop, same old tired pass issued to those who advocate the slaughter of the innocents - See story here : http://www.catholicnewsagency.com/new.php?n=8397
Cartoons based on happenings in the Catholic Church, or in the world at large from a Catholic viewpoint.
More like communion line TO hell...
First Corinthians
For as often as you shall eat this bread, and drink the chalice, you shall shew the death of the Lord, until he come.
27 Therefore whosoever shall eat this bread, or drink the chalice of the Lord unworthily, shall be guilty of the body and of the blood of the Lord.
I wonder if and when Cardinal Sean O'Malley of Boston and Archbishop Donal Wuerl of Washington DC will ever excommunicate these heretics like Bishop Fabian Bruskewitz did with all those heretics from his diocese. I just dont' understand why these Bishops don't call them on these public sins! These politicians are a scandal to the Catholic Church.
The Curt Jester calls them CODs. Culture of Death politicians. Says it all.
The Curt Jester calls them CODs. Culture of Death politicians. Says it all.
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