Riding around cutting an acre and a half of grass on a 48" tractor can lead one's mind to ponder all sorts of things. And since I ponder in a comical sense, it struck me that all of these "leaders" we have out there who just HATE the Traditional Faith have got to be having late night strategy sessions to find a way - any way - to cut this Motu Proprio off at the pass. It just made me think of the Grinch and how he obsessed with the happiness that the Who's got from Christmas. I'm sure the Grinches of the Church feel the same resentment towards those of us who experience JOY in the Traditional practices of the Faith.
See, I picture Grinch-like behavior going on before those of us that were born or brought up after V2. The took everything wonderful out of our churches(like Grinch did) and left us with bare walls and bad instruments and maybe a few empty crosses.
But yeah, I think it's reached the obsession point for some hardline liberals.
There's no doubt that the Grinch-like behavior has been going on a long time. These dinosaurs are clutching wildly at the cliff, which will be covered in the next post. :oD
A few weeks ago, our soon-to-be-ex pastor (we're moving this weekend) went on an absolute tirade in his "homily", condemning traditionalism, stating (falsely) that the only people interested in the TLM are old people and expressing the hope that supporters of the TLM will die off soon.
I am not sure why you are so ga-ga over
Cardinal Arinze--by all accounts he is strongly opposed to BVI issuing the MP.
I meant BXVI, of course...
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