The Office of Vocations (UK) has a site (www.calledtoday.com) that seeks to use Manga-style cartoons to entice people to join the religious life. Aside from the "What??" factor, if you visit their site, you'll notice how the priest is (purposely?) shoved to the back of the crowd. Maybe they giving out a subliminal message on what they think of the priesthood, as opposed to other states of religious life.
If this idea comes to America, I doubt they'll tap ME as their cartoonist...
If this idea comes to America, I doubt they'll tap ME as their cartoonist...
Ya think? ;}
Those two characters you pictured there are not manga characters. Far from it. Manga is very different to American cartoons.
Um, Nutcrazical, everyone knows that. Heck, I think Ray Charles could have seen that...
Paul, I laughed out loud when I saw this, and just had to steal it for my blog (with a backlink to you, of course).
Nutcrazical, you're absolutely right that Beavis & Butthead is highly distinguishable from these manga vocation cartoons. Beavis & Butthead is Michelangelo's The Last Judgment by comparison.
As a a side point, notice the immodesty of the "parish sister?" I mean, really, I think those kinds of clothes are barely tolerable for any girl today... but a religious sister? And her wearing jeans in church? SO I follow with the "What?!"
Peace be with you and may God bless you.
God love you.
Holy Mary protect you.
Blessed Ascension.
Then, dude, why did you did a comic with those two guys (Beavis & Butthead..?) in a post named "Manga Madness", written to criticize the manga-style comics of some website? =\
Because THEY had the "Manga Madness". It refers to them, not me.
gosh, I just posted about this topic:
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