Thursday, May 26, 2011

Feminist Whining 101

Those who agitate for women's ordination will never give up. Even if the Church came out with a statement that couldn't in ANY way be argued against, even down to the teeniest, tiniest detail, the Church-haters would still flop around screaming like flounders on a hot dock in June.

Get a load of the whine over at NCR ( and no, they don't have any cheese to go with that whine, unless you count their opinions ):


Anita Moore said...

Even if the Church came out with a statement that couldn't in ANY way be argued against, even down to the teeniest, tiniest detail, the Church-haters would still flop around screaming like flounders on a hot dock in June.

Oh wait...that already happened!

Paul Nichols said...

And they're STILL whining!

Theophilus said...

It didn't happen because JPII did not want to use the full power of infallibility in Ordinatio Sacerdotalis: as the document was issued, a statement from the Vatican (I think it was published in L'Osservatore Romano) said that it was not a dogmatic formulation. According to Cardinal Ratzinger's interpretation at the time, the act was not infallible but its object was infallible. Liberalism hates authority. The last popes were liberals and that is why they avoided the use of their authority; they do not issue declarations ex cathedra anymore.

kkollwitz said...

How many feminists does it take to change a lightbulb?

That's not funny! I resent that!

Anonymous said...

Pardon me if I fail to see anything illuminating about blaming the last two pope's liberalism because the fact is that no matter how they worded it, it would never satisfy dissidents because for them it is a problem of the will, not the intellect.

The proof of that came when I read a comment on a review on of a book defending all-male priesthood. The commentor said yes, he acceted all-male priesthood and that he even accepted Ordinatio Sacerdotalis but guess what? Since the Church hasn't specifically defined what maleness is, it is still an open question. For the dissident, the Church is always one infallible statement short of settling an issue and thus, the only winning move in their game is not to play.

Paul Nichols said...

For the dissident, the Church is always one infallible statement short of settling an issue and thus, the only winning move in their game is not to play.
Very true. Or, they'll play, but they'll bend/break/redefine the rules.

tamtam said...

Oh boy, the sisterz are at it again. When will they learn...?

Barbara Schoeneberger said...

I just can't cope with these women. They are such an embarrassment to all Catholics. Thank God we won't have ideologues in heaven. By then all justice will have been done. I'm not saying that these people won't get to heaven. That's between them and God. But the rest of us won't have to put up with earthly nonsense once we get there.