Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Another one bites the (gay) dust

Presbyterian Church USA will now accept openly gay & lesbian clergy. They join the Episcopals in their run off the spiritual cliff.

Maybe this is how the Reformation will be reversed - eventually all of the Protestant sects out there "liberalize" themselves to the point that the only thing left for true followers of Christ to do is to join the Catholic Church.

I don't see the Evangelicals or the Southern Baptists caving in to the Modern Tidalwave anytime soon, though. They're hanging tough.


tamtam said...


I don't see the Southern Baptists caving in either. If you've ever encountered Baptists, you'll know that they would never support the gay agenda, even if it was the last major issue on earth.

Paul Nichols said...

Very true - part of my journey back to the Faith was spent attending a Southern Baptist Church - they aren't the wavering kind.

Dolorosa said...

Are you following this Fatima Conference at:

Anonymous said...

Are you following this Fatima Conference...

Ecce spamnus dei

Anyway, as a former ELCA Lutheran I saw this coming a long time ago (The ELCA shared communion and pastors with the Episcopals and the PCUSA) Even in the mid-90's I could see that the ELCA was sliding toward approval of homosex. I was a delegate to our synod with my wife and on the docket was a proposal to study homosexual issues. It was couched with the disclaimer that it is just a study and no one was approving of any homosexual acts, but when someone in support of it came up to the podium and harrangued us with the "First they came for the Jews" poem, my BS antennae went "boing". It sounded like the usual "just starting to dialog" stuff we always hear which I have since learned is code for: We-keep-talking-and-using-emotional-tyranny-until-you-unenlightened-rubes-cave. The measure was defeated *barely*, but I knew then that it was something that was going to continue to come up and that they could lose a hundred times, but only needed to win once. In the back of my mind the road map had only one destination: approval of homosex.

So, if you are in a denomination, come into the Catholic Church. :) If you won't do that, then if you ever see these these studies on human sexuality come up, beware.

Bd said...

Thanks for reminding me why I gave up on the catholic church. Intolerance and hypocrisy.

tamtam said...

I'm with you-I don't see the Southern Baptists caving in either.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for reminding me why I gave up on the catholic church. Intolerance and hypocrisy.

Actually the opposite is the case. Yesterday we got the news that a sports anchor was fired after expressing his belief in true marriage. A year or two ago, a Brooks Brothers employee got fired because even though he tried to remain silent about his manager's legal-fiction of same-sex marriage, the manager badgered him until he cracked. And in the Lisa/Isabella Miller story, there is a massive manhunt for them not because there is any proof that she was a bad mother, but because she had the audacity to reject her homosexual marriage and take her child away from the so-called ex-spouse with no biological connection to the child. Examples can be multiplied.

Paul Nichols said...

You're right Scott - the writing is all over the wall. We're not even allowed to express disapproval of homosexuality anymore. That guy getting fired for supporting TRUE marriage is a perfect example - and should be a warning about where society is going. Remember the uproar when that Army General mentioned that homosexuality was immoral? "Tolerance" is nothing more than the trojan horse of forced acceptance of everything immoral.

Staten Pilgrim said...

I don't know. If you read the evangelical periodicals, you will see that even in that world is the conservative position on homosexuality being questioned. Publications like Christianity Today are pointing out that evangelical colleges are beginning to allow homosexual groups on campus, and the more liberal young evangelicals are either questioning the teachings on homosexuality, or are leaving the church altogether because of its overwhelming focus on abortion and homosexuals. It seems like much of the evangelical world is going down the same path as the mainline denominations, although I believe a significant remnant will remain that stays faithful to anti-homosexual teachings. That's the problem with Protestantism. No matter how faithful you are to whatever aspect of the Gospel you are correctly interpreting, you lack divine teaching authority, so that all you preach amounts to nothing more than an opinion, which can be accepted or rejected by your hearers, depending on their whims.

Anonymous said...

I think Staten is on to it. Look at divorce, contraception, etc. The Episcopals lead the charge and everyone else follows suit eventually.

Some of my buddies joke about the culture doing a dance called The Hegelian Mambo which goes: two steps Left, one step Right. So the Episcopals take the first step left, the Lutherans and PCUSA follow with the next step left, then the fundamentalists Baptists take one step right. The problem is that it is constant net leftward movement. So yeah, fundamentalists and baptists are conservative in the same way a moving goal post on the right end of the field is conservative.

Matthew said...

How do we get in touch with you directly?

John said...

@ Bd.

Attempts to shut down rational debate with name calling amounts to a cheap calumny. Address the issues, or hold your tongue. Furthermore, don't impose your holier-than-thou attitude on the rest of us. There's lots of room in the Church for repentant sinners. If you're humble enough and possess an ounce of courage, give confession a try and come back home.

Let There Be Light said...

I think this cartoon is absurd. As an active member of a Presbyterian Church, I question the motives of such a judgmental post. I do not makes posts like this about your church. Please mind your own business, and let us run our church as we see fit. Your opinions are not wanted or needed.